Become a "Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER" 
(Saving $900 Here!)

The whole "pandemic" and lockdown and mask mandates are a complete scam, fraud, manipulation - nothing short of "The Crime Against Humanity".

It's all part of "The Narrative" that's been dominating the planet... for MONTHS too long, and unilaterally since the lockdown began.

It is only through Awareness that we can free ourselves from the pervasive program!

Without your knowledge or consent you've been programmed - at least to some extent - for...

  • Hatred...
  • Division...
  • Fear... and even
  • Violence!

Mostly through the mainstream media.

Also through the extreme-Left leaders, such as Nancy Peolosi and Hilary Clinton, who HAD seized control of the Democratic Party, from their "high-and-mighty ivory tower" as "The Elite" who will stop at nothing to destroy our way of life, no matter how many people they have to destroy in the process...

We must completely TUNE OUT "The Narrative" of hatred, division, fear and violence, and help EVERYONE wake up to its crippling devastation!!!

Please give yourself "Liberation From The Narrative"!

The first thing we're doing is seeing an attorney lay out the whole case - he's sharing his whole evidence, with scientific proof - that the whole "pandemic" mass fear hysteria was all a fraud, a complete manipulation. He's preparing class-action lawsuits, and he's already taken down very big and powerful players...

You will for sure want to recoup SOME of your personal losses from The Crime Against Humanity, as part of these class-action lawsuits. You might want to take his evidence and file your own, as we're ALL stopping "The Narrative" and holding these master criminals accountable for all the hurt and pain and devastation they've caused and are still CAUSING!!! (Worth $100)

In addition to this attorney clearly and succinctly laying out all the evidence - which we cannot ignoreof this unfathomable crime against us all, we're also doing other important BONUS trainings, worth $205 in total...

  • Such as how you don't have to subject yourself to the harm to your body of wearing the masks, legally, and how to stay within your rights and not comply with "The Narrative" meant to undermine our sovereignty... (Worth $40)
  • Also how "Big Tech" is promoting "The Narrative" and how its unethical censorship, which is completely out of Integrity, is actually a reflection of the old fear-based programs and infrastructures ... CRUMBLING - That's obviously a very important lesson to see yourself. (Worth $25)
  • Also, how NECESSARY it is that you avoid the COVID "vaccine" like the plague, and how unconscionable that really is!!! (Worth $40)

Those are all just supplemental videos as we're Liberating From The Narrative.

As a Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER, you'll especially want to carefully study our main videos...

These videos are strong. They're FREEING. They're getting you seeing how pervasive "The Narrative" has been, how destructive and disempowering it WAS... and how to LIBERATE yourself from its near-death grip!

Here's how we're raising our consciousness, starting right away when you get "Liberation From The Narrative"...

  • "Narative 1: Liberation From Hatred", 21:01 - HAD you bought into that program, where if someone doesn't share your views, they're wrong, they're destroying our country and responsible for all the hatred and division... and you must destroy them? That's all part of The Narrative. Watch this and let go of all that hatred! (It's INSIDIOUS!) (Worth $45)
  • "Narrative 2: Liberation From Division", 14:30 - To what extent are you even aware of how they HAD divided us? It's pervasive! It shocked me when I saw intelligent people reciting the talking points of the media, and believing as adamantly about how evil their (programmed!) enemy is... as I believed the same thing ... about the media and extremists. How much HAD you played right into "The Narrative" of division? Liberate yourself from that... NOW! (Worth $30)
  • "Narrative 3: Liberation From Fear", 33:06 - The fear has caused more pain and suffering than anything else...
    "Is my home going to be safe?"
    - "What if I can't provide for my children?"
    - "Are we going to be able to come back from this?"
    "Is this the end of society?"
    - "Are we going to die?"
          The human cost of this aspect of The Narrative has been HORRIFIC! We're not meant to LIVE in "fight or flight". It's so debilitating. For sure Liberate yourself from this aspect of this unfathomable Crime Against Humanity!!! (Worth $70)
  • "Narrative 4: Liberation From Violence", 13:28 - When you see the lengths of the treachery George Soros went trhough to destabilize our society, and take away the peace, safety and security of so many hundreds of millions of good people... your first impulse is to be "Up In Arms"...!!! Except that's playing into the division, and hatred. We're talking about the lasting solution - Please seriously consider this! (Worth $30)
  • "Narrative 5: How Much HELL You've Endured, Being Imprisoned Within The Narrative", 20:09 - What did this do to your confidence, your happiness, your security... your belief in the goodness of others? It shattered that, along with your sense of stability, peace, and a better tomorrow - for HUNDREDS of millions of people!!! This honest, hard look at the real costs helps us recognize how much we have to roll up our sleeves and do the work of rebuilding... NOW! (Worth $40)
  • "Narrative 6: How Bad Does It Get IF We Don't Derail The Narrative?", 32:48 - There is a more far-reaching Agenda of which The Narrative is merely one part. It's unconscionable what they're really planning to do, and yet it's all out there for everyone to see. Yes, it is extremely needed for us to double-down on our sovereignty, because we're really in a fight for our independence, liberty, freedom, the Constitution, and everything that has made America great!!! (Worth $70)
  • "Narrative 7: How Much Greater Are We... By Uniting Now, and Stopping The Narrative?", 16:43 - Now that you've Liberated Yourself From The Narrative... It's our time to come together - so we're stronger than we were before, and working together - as humans, seeing past what we *PREVIOUSLY* allowed to divide us... With each of us FINALLY creating the world we know we need to leave to our children... (Worth $35)
  • "Narrative 8: Your Complete Liberation From The Narrative", 10:24 - Here we're moving past the outdated scarcity/fear/lack program, dominating people for thousands of years... and taking our rightful place within the Consciousness of Love, where we're ALL destined to be! (Worth $25)
  • "Narrative 9: How Deep the Media Corruption Goes - Because WE Allowed It!", 33:02 - I was a newspaper reporter for six years and assistant managing editor for four, and worked in radio and TV for more than four years, as well. That was back when everyone knew we were Liberal, yet we still had Honor, and respect for our audiences, as well as our responsibility to present both sides, impartially, so they can make the best decisions for their families. Now the media has become totally corrupt... We must not stand for that any longer! (Worth $70)

I'm so passionate about helping you Liberate From The Narrative, and I know how there is no more important focus for EVERY ONE OF US to have...

You're also getting these additional videos, each of which are important on their own... and further free you... your family... your community and online friends... and the whole human race...

  • "What Is the Appropriate Punishment for These 'White-Collar Thugs' Responsible for Unfathomable Damage to Humanity?", 25:25 (Worth $55)
  • "How Did YOU Respond When the Human Race Was Threatened?", 15:30 (Worth $35)
  • "What Will History Show Was Your Role in Stopping THE ASSAULT on Humanity?", 8:30 (Worth $20)
  • "The Puppet Gets a Cakewalk; The Deep State Enemy Faces Unrelenting Attacks", 21:20 (Worth $45)
  • "Are You Building a Wall ... or a Bridge?", 5:47 (Worth $15)

You're getting $760 worth of LIBERATING insights and coaching... for only $97!!

This is really important. Get it right here, and go through it carefully...

Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER (Will be a $997 coaching program!)


Honestly, this is SO IMPORTANT for us all to see...

For us ALL to LIBERATE ourselves from The Narrative...

This is actually the most-important work we all must do now!

This is so badly needed - by us ALL - You're also getting all 5 Saving Humanity Shows, worth $405...

  • "Saving Humanity Show #1: Liberating Yourself - Freeing Humanity From It's Programmed Imprisonment", 35:13 - Most people have lived their whole lives in scarcity/fear/lack consciousness... and then once the lockdown began - their STRESS and HYSTERIA have skyrocketed... How healthy and effective is it living in "fight or flight mode" - 24/7? Of course - not at all!!! We as high-conscious people need to Stand Within Our Power and help everyone free themselves from "The Narrative"... DO THIS!!! (Worth $75)
  • "Saving Humanity Show #2: As Humanity Is Evolving, Nothing Is More Important Than Standing Within Our Power", 36:41 - We're here to help pave the way for everyone to go through this TRANSFORMATION far more smoothly. We're on the leading edge of this unprecedented time. (Yes, that means it's "a little" more difficult for us... more is expected of us... and we have to work extra diligently at consciously using our power, our gifts, our Light ---- appropriately, as the "way-showers" for everyone else... (Worth $75)
  • "Saving Humanity Show #3: Our Inter-Connectedness - And Responsibility to the Whole Human Race!", 36:54 - This is the awakening of the Collective Consciousness of the human race. We're all aware of that on some level, consciously or unconsciously. Now we're tuning consciously into that - and recognizing that connection - BETWEEN US ALL! You're also reconnecting with your nature, which is to be that Example and Inspiration for others... (Worth $75)
  • "Saving Humanity Show #4: Owning Your Power and Being That Light of Love The World Needs Now!", 48:21 - This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT lesson because we transcend the labels and limitations of "Democrat"/"Republican" and deeply connect - not just as humans, as humans actively raising the Collective Consciousness out of the lower dense fear program into the higher consciousness, rooted in love. It's time for you to begin Shining Your Light FULLY, NOW!!! You're doing that right here... (Worth $100)
  • "Saving Humanity Show #5: The Power of One Person With an Inspired Idea to Transform the World!", 37:37 - This is our Celebration Show!! I recognized enough of us have awakened, that we've shifted "The Tide" and raised Collective Consciousness enough where our work with these Saving Humanity Shows has served its purpose (along with EVERY ONE OF US doing our parts, simultaneously) - WE'VE DONE IT!!! This show will inspire and empower you... and the work is ongoing and continuing... (Worth $80)

This is SO VITALLY IMPORTANT (please read this!)...

Your work as Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER is so important, you're getting everything you need to have the greatest impact on all the people you're serving!

We'll talk more about that, soon.

We're doing this through daily lessons in "Liberation From The Narrative", some of which are created as "Watch Party" pages, where you're invited to LEAD your own Watch Party, where you're getting your online friends watching that video on their devices and you're all talking about it, together, where EVERYONE is getting far more out of that lesson, and it's LIBERATING everyone from The Narrative!

For YOU as a VISIONARY LEADER, "Liberation" is actually a full coaching program that would normally cost $997!!!

We're starting with "The Corona Crime Against Humanity" video we talked about earlier, which is worth $100 by itself.

It might make your jaw drop when you recognize, unequivocally, this whole thing with the lockdowns, and mask mandates... IS all a very intentional - FRAUD, manipulation... "Crime Against Humanity".

You'll hear this, in all its legally admissable evidence, from one of the attorneys in fact giving you what you need to either be part of his record-breaking class-action lawsuit - against all the illegal and corrupt media, politicians, governmental agencies... and GOVERNMENTS responsible for all this untold suffering, destruction and devastation... or to file your own lawsuits!

We're also seeing how to free yourself from the psychologically damaging herd mentality, legally, and how to, here as well, "Be That Example" for others, especially your family!

Because it's *IMPERATIVE* you know your rights, including full compensation for all your losses, resulting from the fraudulent lockdown!!!

This is literally the biggest thing anyone has ever seen! 

We're on the right side of HISTORY.

We as "We The People"... and as the human race - are AWAKENING!!!

It's extremely exciting, because we're doing it together... and we're ALL getting involved and "Being The Change" we wish to see in the world!!!

Let's Rise Strong United... Right Now... 

Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER (Will be a $997 coaching program!)

What about your role as Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER?

This can be quite compelling!! If you want to join us because you recognize nothing is more important than helping Humanity rise out of the dense fear consciousness... that's a very noble and honorable reason. You can have such a profound impact --- on everyone you're serving - and the whole world, as THEY in turn are joining us...

You also can do so much more GREAT work for the people you're serving, and reach more people who would love to be part of your work, your Duty, your Destiny, your Dharma... IF they only knew about you...

As a Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER you're invited to make money as all the people you're serving are becoming VISIONARY LEADERS themselves!

Too often the most humble and giving among us are the ones requesting donations to support their mission, their purpose, their Reason for Being!

This could be your way to make great money as your TANGIBLE REWARD for all the profoundly needed work you're doing to help people, all over the world.

(You're going to be reaching them, anyway - simply because it's how you're ending "The Crime Against Humanity" and stopping everyone you can from being further hurt and devastated by this unconscionable manipulation being willfully committed upon us...

(You certainly DESERVE to be well-compensated, and just think about how much more good you're then able to do... with your passion, purpose, potential... and IMPACT!!!)

IF you're interested... do take advantage of that opportunity to partner with us. 

And if you're just becoming a Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER because it's the right thing to do, because it's how you're able to help that many more people - OUT OF THEIR SUFFERING NOW....

Or even for how much all these profound lessons will Be of Service to you, personally....

Those are still important reasons for you to be joining us - right here! (And THANK YOU, either way!!!)

I don't know how much you're sensing how excited I am about you joining us, and how PASSIONATE I am about getting this to you, and through you... into everyone's hands... helping every one of us become LIBERATED from "The Narrative" that's caused such destruction, hardship, and pain...

This is by far the most important work I've ever done...

It's certainly going to be among the most important things you've ever done, as well.

We're doing it right here ---- TOGETHER!!!

Thank you... VERY MUCH!!!


Kira, a very sweet wolf (she's the one sending you a kiss!) and Dan Klatt, and Saving Humanity Intensive founder, 22+ year coach.

P.S. To support you with all your badly needed work as a Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER, you really are getting a full coaching program that what would otherwise cost $997... right here, for $900 less.

After it's complete, in about two weeks, that's what it would cost you - (it's well worth that price!) - And it's worth far more to you, because you're able to do our "Watch Parties" ... LIVE, where you're getting by far the most from them!

Save $900 - Join Us Now - it's important....

Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER (Will be a $997 coaching program!)


PP.S. You're also supported every step, and getting personal coaching, by being part of the Saving Humanity Community!

That's where we're holding each other accountable... going deeper into the insights within each lesson... sharing our own examples and related points... you're able to get personal coaching... and we're ALL supporting each other in having the greatest impact on the most people!!!

...Let's just say that's a BIG DEAL and will be quite important for you... every day you're meeting us there...

In fact, it's worth $67 a month for you... as a Rise Strong United VISIONARY LEADER!

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